

Often any deterioration in eyesight can be so gradual that it sometimes goes unnoticed which is why a regular eye examination is so important. It can help give some insight into your own general health as well as eyesight conditions.  At Eyes of Swavesey we are pleased to be able to offer Private Eye Examinations and NHS Eye Tests for both adults and children.

Eye Examinations

Your eye examination will last for approximately 45 minutes, to allow time for your optometrist to thoroughly examine your eyes and vision.

In addition to all the standard tests we have the very latest OCT equipment at our practice. This allows us to acquire extremely detailed 3D images of important structures at the back of your eyes.

Why is an OCT scan important?

It gives us more information about the health of your eye and can make it possible to detect eye conditions such as glaucoma and macular degeneration at an early stage. This allows us to refer you to a specialist for early diagnosis and treatment. It also allows us to monitor conditions.

Who would benefit from an Enhanced Examination?

Everyone! However, there are some people for whom it is especially important:

  • Family history of glaucoma
  • Diabetics
  • Those with a current eye condition that needs monitoring.
  • Those with a history of eye problems.
  • A health care professional has recommended it.
  • Those who need extra time to discuss their concerns.
  • Those with multiple health or eye issues.
  • Those who want peace of mind.

Once your examination is complete, your optometrist will explain their findings to you, including any updates to your prescription that might be required. Theyll also be happy to answer any questions you have, as well as taking the time to recommend suitable products for your needs, wants and lifestyle.


Enhanced Eye examination is £85.00 (or £45.00 if entitled to NHS).

Enhanced examinations are free on Eyeplan.

Private Eye Examination with a retinal photograph is £50 (or free on NHS)

EyeMed vouchers are accepted here

Please let our staff know which type of eye examination you require when booking to allow the correct timing.